Being a True Disciple

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July 30, 2018

Being a True Disciple

What does it mean to you to become a true disciple of the Lord? It is called a quest for discipleship because it is something that all of us would like to achieve. Therefore, we work hard and we strive to gain more than just a change, but a new way of living that encompasses all.

“When there is no demon within, the demon outside can do you no harm”

Let God fill every space within. Make no room for the adversary. When God gave us free will, it meant that we had the capacity to choose. The enemy does his best to lay out the traps and spit on us, but how we react and how our emotions rise will show us what is inside our hearts.

Disciples of Christ have a lot of love. That is where His gospel is centered—on how we treat everybody, including ourselves. It is not enough to hide away, but we must go and look for our fellow brothers and sisters in need and give them the kind of support that would enable us  to act upon the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Learn to tell the difference between the voices in our head. Choose which voice you will listen to: The voice that tells you to seek revenge, or the voice that tells you to forgive? The voice that tells you to get angry, or the voice that tells you to stay calm? It is not difficult to tell the voices apart, but it is indeed hard when we are tempted to not heed the voice of the Spirit.

Fight the good fight of faith and let us discover Christ within ourselves and each other. Let love win. Our choices will help us stay on the path of discipleship and be a blessing to all mankind.


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