Are your prayers being answered?

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June 29, 2018

Are your prayers being answered?

Sometimes you pray for something to happen, and it doesn’t exactly get answered. There are other prayers that get answered in an instant. You don’t really understand this phenomena but it keeps you on the edge with your relationship with God. Like there’s a love / hate relationship going on. Maybe your prayers don’t get answered because you yourself are not confidence that it will happen in your life. You pray, but there’s a hint of doubt in your head. How can your prayer be answered if you don’t even believe in it?

This is where prophetic prayer comes in. Prophetic prayer is simply uttering God’s will for your life. It is being confident that God will fulfill His plans for you. It is trusting God with all your heart and mind that things will go as planned because God wants it to happen. Prophetic prayer seems to be more authoritative than the regular prayer, and that’s because you are already carrying out God’s message. You are an instrument and all you are doing is declaring what’s going to happen.

The Master Prophet Bishop E. Bernard Jordan together with his school of prophets will guide you on how to have a meaningful prayer life and how to declare things to happen in your life. You will learn how to communicate with God in a whole different level. Make things happen and start enjoying God’s blessings through prophetic prayer. Speak to a prophet and let him reveal to you the things that God has wanted to give you.

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