WHO IS ELIJAH BERNARD JORDAN is a native of Brooklyn New York, at 15 he was called to prophecy with out any hesitations. He heeded the call of prophecy. At the. age of 24 the whole nation already acknowledge him as a Prophet. He went on to answer he’s calling as a God messengers. He responded to his calling which lead to more vision and prophecies, as one of many soldiers of God. Through the prophecies seen by Bishop E, Bernard Jordan were able to see a guided path to the kingdom Of God. Were he led all his followers to the Kingdom of God and spread the words of our Lord to the entire nation. At his young age he become well known prophet and become a great messengers of God’s. By answering his calling he established the ministry now were led it now.
IN the early 80’s he founded the ZOE ministry were he was the senior pastor ,he has only 60 followers that time, because of the good news and prophecy that he has giving away, from that 60 followers it become 600 which then become million. God was able guide us on how we can live our lives prosperously under His lead. When he established the ministry more and more believe into him and become his followers.
In 1985 he establishes the School of Prophets. The school that specialized in teaching and guiding anyone that is called to prophecy. Master Bishop E .Bernard Jordan are guiding us all to Gods salvation, He become well known prophets because he teaches ethics and Biblical prophecies that we can use in our daily living. When he established the School of Prophets he became well known not just only to his followers but throughout the entire nation spreading the goods of our Lord. He just not a messenger but a well known Prophets.
He published a book called THE LAWS OF THINKING the vision and prophecies. Which he gathered the principles and made a guide that everyone greatly benefited from it. The most importantly because these principles came directly from God. Many were become more aware what was going on, and applying the principles were thought by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan. The listed principle he stated in his book is greatfull help is it because came directly from God.
The Bible that contains a superlatiave amounts of prophecies. It is clearly stated that the future was describe within the Bible. These Biblical passages are often direct statements from God that easily understand. Some Biblical prophecy contains God’s warning and threats of punishments. The Biblical prophets todays are oftenly pointed as being less of a prophets because of the prerequisites did not occur. It must inspect carefully the prerequisites and understand that they were in fact it is conditional. Many says today that there is no Biblical prophercy, it is because they do not take into accounts the different Biblical prophecy today that are encompassing the end of the time.
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Prayer Request
Be in the Prophetic Prayer List
I really loved the feeling of being prayed for by another person. For aside from you praying for ...
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