Forgiveness and Relationships

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May 15, 2018

Forgiveness and Relationships

One thing that might be even tougher than forgiving someone else from wronging you in your relationships is to forgive yourself for your own past mistakes. People do not like being wrong in their relationships with other people. We try very hard to do the best we can and perform perfectly in our relationships. However, mistakes every now and then cannot be avoided in our relationships. After all, we are only human. Making mistakes is part of our imperfect human condition. However, there are some people who cannot accept that they are not perfect. They find it very difficult to face their mistakes and forgive themselves. Because of this, they punish themselves, develop a poor self-image, and think of themselves as unworthy or undeserving of good things in their relationships. Those who have such difficulty forgiving themselves for their past relationships mistakes will not be able to live fully in the present because they are haunted by guilt and feelings of unworthiness. These people who do not forgive themselves will not take on new opportunities or embrace the blessings that come to them because they feel as though they are undeserving. We must remind ourselves that God wants us to learn forgiveness in our relationships. He wants us to not only forgive our neighbors, but ourselves as well. In the Bible, it is stated that so long as we confess our sins and are truly repentant, God will forgive us. If the most perfect Being is able to forgive us of our sins, why can’t we forgive ourselves as well? Although human imperfection is not an excuse to sin, it is a reminder that we are all struggling with our own shortcomings. We should not berate ourselves for them. Instead, we should try to improve ourselves and learn from our past relationships mistakes. No matter what sin you have committed or what mistake you have made, know that nothing is unforgivable. You are greater than your past mistakes, and should not allow them to define who you are today, what you are capable of becoming, and what you deserve.

Now, I encourage you to come to The Sacred Relationships Conference happening November 28-30, 2014. Call us at 212-316-2177 to register and with any questions you may have!

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