Just Let Go

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June 29, 2018

Just Let Go

How should one pray? Never pray for something outside of you. Seek only for the inner communion with the “I Am” Presence of God within you. For example, if you pray for a house, you are in sin, because you just separated yourself from the house. This is why Jesus said, “what things soever ye desire when ye pray.” Jesus was saying, “Hold it, don’t come to me about things in prayer. Just believe that you receive them and you shall have them.

God wants to get you to the point where you can just let be. Just be filled! God said, Let there be light. Let there be a firmament in heaven. Let there be fish in the sea. Let there be fowl in the air. Let there be. Let be; let be; and just be still and know that I am God. The only struggle you should have is just being still and knowing that I Am. Let go of God for the sake of God. Most people are praying to a God outside of themselves. Let go of God for the sake of God. God’s exit is his entrance. The more you seek God, the less you will find God. Maybe that’s why you are supposed to be seeking first the kingdom. Find the system, and stop looking out a personality. God does not ask anything else of you except that you let yourself go and let God be God in you.

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