Your Needs Are About To Be Met Miraculously Today

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December 06, 2019

Your Needs Are About To Be Met Miraculously Today

Yes, sometimes financial responsibility can feel like a load. Keep a positive mind because your needs are about to be met miraculously.  The Lord says, this is the best time to open the portals of your creativity because you are about to receive abundant financial blessings.  


It is important for you to know that there are ways to change unproductive habits and get aligned to your prophecy. You really should hear it. That is because you are standing in a revolutionary season where you must begin to challenge yourself to take action sooner rather than later. The minute you start taking action (e.g. putting words on paper, building a physical prototype, sharing new ideas, etc.), you will start to attract opportunities that ultimately helps you refine your ideas, so you can move forward with a more informed outlook to manifest your abundance. 


The Lord says, either you own your present situation or it will own you.  In other words, take the blame if you deserve it otherwise you are just trying to escape from something that is preparing you to grow as a person. Choose to be strong and take responsibility for what you have done rather than point fingers at someone or something else.  


Maintain a happy state of mind because whatever you feed your mind, body, and soul it determines your appetite. If sickness is evident in your being at this moment, it’s only because you’ve been feeding your body sickness through the diet you’ve accepted the most. If lack is evident in your being at this moment, it’s only because you’ve been feeding your mind lack through the thoughts you’ve accepted as your truth!

The Lord says the miraculous is a seed that has yet to spring forth that is inside of you, and the moment you began to tap into it, is the moment your needs shall be met miraculously! You really should hear your word of prophecy! There is something extraordinary that God wants to reveal to you! You need to be in the loop this season more than ever!  

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