The Promise Always Shows Up Just After The Storm

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September 19, 2019

The Promise Always Shows Up Just After The Storm

Be encouraged by this reassuring scripture, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise.” (2 Peter 3:9)

When we look at the story of Noah in the scriptures, we find that the rainbow is the symbol of the very first promise God made! The enemy thought the storms of life would drown you, but boy was the enemy wrong, wasn’t he? After every storm, there is a rainbow. 


Being the survivor that you are, you can stare the enemy in the face and say, “MY TIME HAS COME!” 


When you believe the promises of God, they begin to show up after the storm. When you begin to believe the promises of God with all your heart, your life will drastically change! 


So, you went from barely making it, to being able to bless others! You have to know there is always a rainbow to identify after your storm! Hallelujah!


YOUR TIME HAS COME, in Jesus’ Name! (Your PROMISE is here!)


Looking in the spirit, there are three specific storms that God is going to release you from because of your faithful obedience today! Each storm is going to be met with a different fulfillment of a promise from God. YOUR TIME HAS COME! YOUR MIRACLES ARE IN MOTION, as you began to trust the promises of God even today!




You only get out of life what you put into it. If you are looking for the rainbow, you must believe that the promise has arrived! 


Therefore, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that your RAINBOW OF PROMISE is about to be revealed. All you have to do is look up from whence cometh your help. You are positioned to win, in the mighty name of Jesus!


The Lord says,

  • I shall never be slack concerning your financial breakthrough!
  • I shall never be slack concerning the joy of your heart!
  • I shall never be slack concerning your household!
  • I shall never be slack concerning your desires!


Say 3 times now, “MY TIME HAS COME!”


The Holy Spirit says, “You are standing in a powerful season of promise because you are being rescued from the storm. A full recovery is your portion as you are guided by the prophetic word spoken over your life. The work that I have started in you won’t fall short in this season, but it will be a living testament of My glory for others to witness and know that the storms of life may come, but the storms of life don’t last always!”

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