Right Intention and Wrong Action

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June 29, 2018

Right Intention and Wrong Action

We can be like Jael sometimes. We can have the right intention in our lives and for others but we end up doing it in a wrong way. A right intention with wrong action is wrong. No matter how much we justify our actions, it is still wrong. Surely, people can find ways to twist their perspective to justify their actions. In God’s eyes, what is wrong is wrong even if we have good intentions.

We can never justify our right motive when we do it the wrong way. We are compromising our integrity. To do things the right way, we have to make sure that our actions and motives are in the right direction. God’s sees what is in our hearts and we can never escape the results of our actions. We must never risk our integrity. We must always have the determination to do things the right way.

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